Saturday, March 28, 2009


I'm standing at the deep end of my life right now looking...down... back... forward... and I can't help but wonder "is this life?" Getting yourself into situations that don't come with a simple manual and knowing that no matter how long you think about your next move, its probably going to be the wrong one to someone?!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Glam Punk = My Calling?!

Love this shirt, makes me wanna take out those white pants i made:

"Where can I find girls with asymmetrical haircuts and guys in skinny jeans?"


Life in the SHOES (and they are some great shoes may I add) of.....


Sitting in the library makes me realize Spring Break is O-V-E-R and its back to reality. But I must say I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way than with my bff. This guy, who is usually pointed out as that guy (still don't know if thats a BPB or P.bob term but ever since I've left MI I find myself saying it a lot), lives in the most Utopian lifestyle (most of the time) one can come across in the murder mitten.

self-proclaimed "professional" blogger. amateur photographer (takes amazing picture BTW). website entrepreneur. fashionista (is that only for girls?). the source of every song in my head. the root of my social media obsessions (twitter). and maybe the love of my life. ben better's world:

As hard of a time I (and all of us) give Ben for doing nothing... Hes actually doign a whole lot of something. His blog is one of my favs. Text From Last Night, AKA my worst nightmare, is taking off and drawing coast to coast contributors. And he just got done taking picture for City of LA Fashion Week?!?! I'm impressed with your unemployment. ;-) He also made my header.

Shout out to Ben for making my SB great and for everything else you do for me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This video makes me wanna throw down my books, scream at the top of lungs in the middle of the library, run out and... well...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


"WE own the night,
we own our souls,
we own our hearts,
we're outta control..."

Idealism, Materialism and Empiricism....

.... What's it to fame?

"Fame, what you get is no tomorrow." David Bowie


Los Angeles, CA, United States
I’m an adventurous soul with a taste for the good life. When it comes to art, nothing is more impressive than high fashion; hefty price tags are definitely worth it. Music rules my ears. I always take the leap, look forward and have no regrets. I want the metropolis to be my playground so I never run out of things to do, but I love the luxury of taking time to myself. When I think freedom.. I think living here and now.

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