Saturday, January 31, 2009

"You'd Have to Title it 'Small, Smaller and Smallest'"

Every time we have a "meetings of the minds" the conversation goes 1 of 2 ways... we either "comment" on everyone we know oorrr we get on a rampage about sex, sexual things, sexy people, etc. Here is what I learned last night (most of which I can honestly say I never knew before, so I'm passing on the knowledge):

1.) I (as in most of the girls in the room) fake it over half the time because....

2.) the vibrator has ruined me. Buyer beware: I hear sex with a man is "never the same and lacks fulfillment" if you become accustomed to a vibrator (must be something about those vibrations)?!

3.) High sex falls superior over almost all sex

4.) If things just are not working for you... get on top...

5.) And if all else fails, may i suggest a vibrating condom (they really makes those?!)...


Los Angeles, CA, United States
I’m an adventurous soul with a taste for the good life. When it comes to art, nothing is more impressive than high fashion; hefty price tags are definitely worth it. Music rules my ears. I always take the leap, look forward and have no regrets. I want the metropolis to be my playground so I never run out of things to do, but I love the luxury of taking time to myself. When I think freedom.. I think living here and now.

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