Every time we have a "meetings of the minds" the conversation goes 1 of 2 ways... we either "comment" on everyone we know oorrr we get on a rampage about sex, sexual things, sexy people, etc. Here is what I learned last night (most of which I can honestly say I never knew before, so I'm passing on the knowledge):
1.) I (as in most of the girls in the room) fake it over half the time because....
2.) the vibrator has ruined me. Buyer beware: I hear sex with a man is "never the same and lacks fulfillment" if you become accustomed to a vibrator (must be something about those vibrations)?!
3.) High sex falls superior over almost all sex
4.) If things just are not working for you... get on top...
5.) And if all else fails, may i suggest a vibrating condom (they really makes those?!)...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
late night taunt

this bag is taunting me. taunting me. taunting me. i don't know why b/c its a man's bag. but i want it and i don't even like it that much. in fact i don't think i really like it at all, but someone i once knew had this bag and it brings back those inaccessible memories (or feelings), so i want it.
Memories... God I wish there was some swift procedure to take all those away.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My first (of MANY) valentines day gifts to my girls:

So check it yo' The New York Times wrote an article about this blog today.
Consider it your new life line to landing a man worth "landing on" (or avoiding). Throw The Rules out, those times have passed us ladies, men aren't what they use to be and same with the economy.
I'm loving every minute of this, I can not get enough, well I do know one way that I could come close to the same satisfaction! Either way, if your love life is in the dump, this could be why!

So check it yo' The New York Times wrote an article about this blog today.
Consider it your new life line to landing a man worth "landing on" (or avoiding). Throw The Rules out, those times have passed us ladies, men aren't what they use to be and same with the economy.
I'm loving every minute of this, I can not get enough, well I do know one way that I could come close to the same satisfaction! Either way, if your love life is in the dump, this could be why!
Just Some Thoughts
1.) Today the House will vote on an 800+ billion $$ bail out plan... good? bad? I'm not really sure but since I just finished reading The Prince the other day, Machiavelli's words are stuck in my head. "If you act in a way that will get you a reputation of generosity, you will do yourself damage." What does this mean for us and future problems?!
2.) After years of seeing Sonic commercials on TV in WI, where the closet Sonic is about 4 hours away in IL, they finally built one in Middleton and it is predicted to be the largest grossing Sonic in the nation - yeahhh Sconnies- eat em' deep fried cheese! I have never even seen a Sonic - I wonder if the food is any good?!
3.) Hunto and her crossword puzzles in class. Girl - you can't just put any word into those boxes ;) get off the cross (or the wolk) and back onto your blog. We are all missing it - its been over a month. What is going through that girl's head?!
In case you miss US!
2.) After years of seeing Sonic commercials on TV in WI, where the closet Sonic is about 4 hours away in IL, they finally built one in Middleton and it is predicted to be the largest grossing Sonic in the nation - yeahhh Sconnies- eat em' deep fried cheese! I have never even seen a Sonic - I wonder if the food is any good?!
3.) Hunto and her crossword puzzles in class. Girl - you can't just put any word into those boxes ;) get off the cross (or the wolk) and back onto your blog. We are all missing it - its been over a month. What is going through that girl's head?!
In case you miss US!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
This is the 1st day of my life...

...then i must memorize 9 numbers and deny i have a soul...
Michael Oats - so much truth about our generation in his photos.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Madison 2009

Some of my classes this semester seem promising, while others will be a test of my patience.
Sociology 134: Problems of American Racial and Ethnic Minorities - If I skip any class its going to be this one. It will be easy but so so boring and day one that girl smelled so bad next to me, it kinda turned me off of going to lecture for the rest of the semester. I don't do well in big lectures, it gives me like an anxiety or something (this one is 400) but the material is a joke, I need an ethnic study credit and there are more brothas in my class than I have seen in my 4 years at Madison combined.
Pol Sci 502: Development of Modern Political Thought - I walked into this class with the professor merrily playing the piano, ummm... I hear this class is a bitch, however, I need it and I think it has promise. We are reading things like The Republic (p bator tells me its worth reading), Nietzsche and Tocqueville. Whoo knows?!
PE 301: Swimming- Let's see after being kicked out of my original swim class, I embark on my new "advanced" one. Besides the fact that if I get hurt Ben Bator will be called (and prob. freak) it will be good to be back in the H2O b/c everyone knows I'm "better in the water" (its my SN - betr in da H2O if you never got that before).
Com Arts 662: Media Theory - I love media theory and I have an ongoing love affair with Professor Curtin, soo the continuation of this class series should be nothing short of satisfying. The only thing I hate is all the PHD and 3rd yr grad students in the class. Back off - I'm the one that needs to impress Curtin.
Legal Studies 450: Religion and Law - If my professor takes a Xanx before class it could be great. I like both subject matters so we'll see how well they fuse together. OHHH NOO - that really annoying girl with blue hair from another one of my classes is in it (she is also the bitch that works at college library computer lab). F-ING A.
My schedule doesn't seem that bad.. But there are things on my shit list already:
1. the looks people give me while I smoke/walk up Bascom (yea ik ik, smoking is over and its a nasty habit... i'm trying to kick it) but come on- its a hike up that hill and that cig is practically my inhaler, so take a step back, chill, and don't kill me with your glares.
2. People talking throughout class.. I'm not that into paying attention and listening but I'm not trying to hear about the D-bag you banged over break... chances are you prob. have STD - so if you don't stop I'm going to take a picture of you and post it all over campus with your "cute little" story below it.
3. The girl that lives above me- if you tell me turn down my music one more time I will slap you. N.A.S.A. can't be played on Bose speakers at minimal volume (its just laws of nature).
4. 3 of my last semester TAs in my classes as students - you prob. gave me a B and I can't believe I took anything you had to say seriously.
5. All the fucking people at the gym. Get over your new years resolutions and get off my tredmill. Where the F were you last semester? Not here.
If these don't go away - Its going to be a long long 4 months.
Mc-QUEEN designs for the commoners

Alexander McQeen's designs for his Target line leaked today and I'm stoked for it to hit stores March 1st. However, I feel that once I touch the fabric and see the clothes on the Target racks they won't have the same appeal (like what always happens when high end designers create cheap lines)... but I'm still excited.
Very mixed views on the collection, but I'd say there are some pretty cool Ts (but cool Ts are like cabs in NYC) and I love the badass look he uses(or maybe its just his models?!).
See it all at Nylon (great magazine that I stopped reading for some reason)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Don't be fooled - Spring IS coming... Meaning: New Trends!
Sheer look (loves it)

Caged shoes (loves em')

Silk Pants (I'm sorry its not 1980) - I refuse to even show a picture
Mini Skirts (ehh whatever, I dress like a slut regardless)
Neons Mixed with Neutrals (I do like it - but prob. would not wear it)

Floral (so old but classic, however, I'm so over it)

Class is only good for updating...
Sheer look (loves it)

Caged shoes (loves em')

Silk Pants (I'm sorry its not 1980) - I refuse to even show a picture
Mini Skirts (ehh whatever, I dress like a slut regardless)
Neons Mixed with Neutrals (I do like it - but prob. would not wear it)

Floral (so old but classic, however, I'm so over it)

Class is only good for updating...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Officially Found
Now that my 5 day drinking binge, 24 hour hangover and 10 hours of unpacking/organizing are dunzo... I figured it would be a good time to update with everything I have been getting dirty with in the last week. ;-)
It has been so f-ing cold and snowy out over the last week, the only thing that has been getting me thru is the promise of Spring Break (eventhough we have yet to plan it). With the sun on my mind, I went online shopping to cloud the truth of my current situation, which was -20!!
JG4B - Jasper Goddall is a graphic designer my friend introduced me to a couple of years ago. He has some pretty cool imagery that he turned into a swimsuit line last year. I'd say if you want a swimsuit that makes a statement/ is unique - go with this brand - its pretty impressive. These are from the same collection but he has a few different ones (some snakes, skulls, all dat' cool shit) and no 2009 yet...

Wanna Save? The 2008 line is currently on sale at net-a-porter
I wonder if these sandals will be the next big thing?! I feel like they could take off like the gladiator sandal. I'm not really sure how I feel about them yet... But I'm defineitely considering them.

School starts tomorrow (yuck)... Final semester at Madison (sad)... Reality is setting in (umm)...
It has been so f-ing cold and snowy out over the last week, the only thing that has been getting me thru is the promise of Spring Break (eventhough we have yet to plan it). With the sun on my mind, I went online shopping to cloud the truth of my current situation, which was -20!!
JG4B - Jasper Goddall is a graphic designer my friend introduced me to a couple of years ago. He has some pretty cool imagery that he turned into a swimsuit line last year. I'd say if you want a swimsuit that makes a statement/ is unique - go with this brand - its pretty impressive. These are from the same collection but he has a few different ones (some snakes, skulls, all dat' cool shit) and no 2009 yet...

Wanna Save? The 2008 line is currently on sale at net-a-porter
I wonder if these sandals will be the next big thing?! I feel like they could take off like the gladiator sandal. I'm not really sure how I feel about them yet... But I'm defineitely considering them.

School starts tomorrow (yuck)... Final semester at Madison (sad)... Reality is setting in (umm)...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Slow Sunday

Fuck I'm bored.
Listening to: Big City Lights by Mattafix
Wearing: Uggs, Juicy pants and a shopbop t-shirt (SICK- so typical Madison "I'm at the library but need to look cool"- I may go change after realizing this)
Thinking: What am I going to do next with my life (FUCK is the only thing that really comes to mind)
Missing: Michigan (still, which is weird bc normally i get over things in like 10 min)
Wishing: I was in Madison on Max's couch (I guess he has jizz in his pants?!)
Wanting: My new camera
Get high and watch Idiocracy.
Photo: US in Michigan (aka the lost weekend/week)
Photo Cred: Phillip Bobby
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- Melina
- Los Angeles, CA, United States
- I’m an adventurous soul with a taste for the good life. When it comes to art, nothing is more impressive than high fashion; hefty price tags are definitely worth it. Music rules my ears. I always take the leap, look forward and have no regrets. I want the metropolis to be my playground so I never run out of things to do, but I love the luxury of taking time to myself. When I think freedom.. I think living here and now.